한국천문연구원은 미국 아리조나 대학교 Steward Observatory와 공동으로 Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship 프로그램을 시행하기로 합의하고 첫 번째 펠로우 모집공고를 아래와 같이 공고합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
동일한 공고 내용을 AAS Job Register(와 천문연구원 채용공고 페이지(에서도 확인하실 수 있습니다.
The KASI-Arizona Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship for Advanced Study in Astronomy and Astrophysics
○ Position Summary
Applications are solicited for the KASI-Arizona Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship. The duration of the Program shall be four (4) years, beginning with two (2) years at Steward Observatory, followed by two (2) years at KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) in Daejeon, Korea.
The Fellow will move to KASI at the beginning of third (3rd) year in the Program, with relocation support covered by the program, subject to KASI rules.
This postdoctoral fellowship provides an opportunity for an exceptional recent Ph.D. recipient to pursue a program of research in any area of theoretical or observational astronomy or astrophysics. Preference will be given to proposed research activities that promote collaboration between KASI and Steward Observatory. Applicants are required to identify a faculty/research staff at each institution as a mentor and to get an endorsement letter from them.
The Fellow will have access to all the resources and facilities of both Parties regardless of the work place assignment during the four years. During the 4-year duration the fellow will be affiliated with both institutions, and will have access to facilities of both parties.
While at Steward Observatory, the Fellow will receive an annual salary of $55,000 USD, as well as benefits including health insurance for the Fellow and the accompanying dependent family members, a competitive level of research fund that covers the purchase of computer(s), travel, and related research expenses, as well as reasonable relocation expenses.
While at KASI, the Fellow will be awarded an annual stipend of about 50M KRW subject to change according to KASI rules. This includes benefits, such as national health insurance for the Fellow and the accompanying dependent family members. The fellow will receive a competitive level of annual research fund (about 10M-15M KRW) that covers the Fellow’s research activities.
Additional information about Steward Observatory is found ing on its homepage, Information about KASI is found at
Candidates must have completed all requirements for the PhD in Astronomy or a related field within 5 years before the ing date of the Fellowship. They must have demonstrated English language proficiency, and eligibility to get a visa appropriate for the Fellowship (if necessary) from both the USA and Korea.
Applicants will be considered without regard to US or Korean citizenship or national origin. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer – M/W/D/V.
○ Special Instructions to Applicant
A complete application requires the following by December 2nd, 2016
1) Electronic submission (in a single PDF file) of CV, list of publications, deion of current and proposed research (5-page limit for research statement), names of three references, and names of prospect mentor at each institution, to the KASI-Arizona Fellowship Committee at and
2) Letters of reference sent electronically in PDF format from three persons familiar with the applicant’s ability and potential to and to
3) Letters of endorsement sent electronically in PDF format from a faculty/research staff at each institution to and to
4) In addition, online submission (required fields only) for Job #P at the University of Arizona human resources website,
Contact information for any inquiry: for Arizona), (for KASI)