Ho-Gyu Lee (이호규)
Ph.D., Seoul National University, Astronomy, 2008
An Infrared Study of Supernova Remnants using the Spitzer and AKARI Space Telescopes
M.Sc., Seoul National University, Astronomy, 1996
VLA Ammonia Line Observations of the Young Stellar Object IRAS 19550+3248
B.Sc., Seoul National University, Astronomy, 1993
Research Scientist December, 2013 to Present Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Postdoctorate November, 2011 to November, 2013 University of Tokyo, Japan
Postdoctorate January, 2010 to November, 2011 University of Toronto, Canada
Postdoctorate January, 2009 to December, 2009 University of Tokyo, Japan
Postdoctorate September, 2008 to December, 2008 Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
Research works
Authors | Title | Bibliographic Code |
Chang, Seok-Jun;... | Escape of Resonantly Scattered Lyβ and Hα from Hot and Optically Thick Media | 2018JKAS...51....5C |
Bell, Aaron C.;... | Akari and Spinning Dust: Investigating the Nature of Anomalous Microwave Emission via Infrared Surveys | 2017PKAS...32...97B |
Lee, Young-Min; Lee... | A Monte Carlo Study of Flux Ratios of Raman Scattered O VI Features at 6825 and 7082 Å in Symbiotic Stars | 2016ApJ...833...75L |
Kokusho, Takuma;... | A study of iron and dust in the supernova remnant IC 443 | 2015P&SS..116...92K |
Kim, Hyosun; Lee,... | HST Images Reveal Dramatic Changes in the Core of IRC+10216 | 2015ApJ...804L..10K |
Lee, Jae-Joon; Koo... | UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for Fe+ | 2014MNRAS.443.2650L |
Lyo, A.-Ran; Kim,... | Unbiased Water and Methanol Maser Surveys of NGC 1333 | 2014AJ....148...80L |
Lee, Jae-Joon; Koo... | UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for Fe+ | 2014MNRAS.443.2650L |
Shinn, Jong-Ho; Pyo... | [Fe II] 1.64 μm Features of Jets and Outflows from Young Stellar Objects in the Carina Nebula | 2013ApJ...777...45S |
Shinn, Jong-Ho; Pyo... | [Fe II] 1.64 μm Features of Jets and Outflows from Young Stellar Objects in the Carina Nebula | 2013ApJ...777...45S |
Lee, Ho-Gyu; Moon,... | Wide Integral-field Infrared Spectroscopy of the Bright [Fe II] Shell in the Young Supernova Remnant G11.2-0.3 | 2013ApJ...770..143L |
Kokusho, Takuma;... | Large-area [Fe II] Line Mapping of the Supernova Remnant IC 443 with the IRSF/SIRIUS | 2013ApJ...768L...8K |
Shinn, Jong-Ho; Lee... | Ortho-to-para Ratio Studies of Shocked H2 Gas in the Two Supernova Remnants IC 443 and HB 21 | 2012ApJ...759...34S |
Seok, Ji Yeon; Koo... | Supernova Remnants in the AKARI IRC Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud | 2008PASJ...60S.453S |
Lee, Ho-Gyu; Moon,... | Far-Infrared Luminous Supernova Remnant Kes 17 | 2011ApJ...740...31L |
Shinn, Jong-Ho; Koo... | AKARI Near-infrared Spectral Observations of Shocked H2 Gas of the Supernova Remnant IC 443 | 2011ApJ...732..124S |
Moon, Dae-Sik; Koo... | Dense Iron Ejecta and Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion in the Young Supernova Remnant G11.2-0.3 | 2009ApJ...703L..81M |