42 |
Galazutdinov, G. A.; Lee, Jae... |
Infrared diffuse interstellar bands |
2017MNRAS.467.3099G |
41 |
Karouzos, Marios; Woo, Jong-... |
Unravelling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. II. Photoionization and Energetics |
2016ApJ...833..171K |
Gemini |
GN-2015AQ-204 (Gemini_KR-2015A-018) |
40 |
Lee, Young-Min; Lee, Dae-Sub... |
A Monte Carlo Study of Flux Ratios of Raman Scattered O vi Features at 6825 and 7082 Å in Symbiotic Stars |
2016ApJ...833...75L |
14BK002 |
39 |
Oh, Heeyoung; Pyo, Tae-Soo;... |
Three-dimensional Shock Structure of the Orion KL Outflow with IGRINS |
2016ApJ...833..275O |
38 |
Lim, Beomdu; Sung, Hwankyung... |
A Constraint on the Formation Timescale of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2264: Lithium Abundance of Pre-main Sequence Stars |
2016ApJ...831..116L |
mmt_2015A_00001, MMT-2015B-005 |
37 |
Lee, Seokho; Lee, Jeong-Eun... |
IGRINS spectroscopy of Class I sources: IRAS 03445+3242 and IRAS 04239+2436 |
2016ApJ...826..179L |
36 |
Afşar, Melike; Sneden, ... |
The Chemical Compositions of Very Metal-poor Stars HD 122563 and HD 140283: A View from the Infrared |
2016ApJ...819..103A |
35 |
Heeyoung Oh , Tae-Soo Pyo ,... |
IGRINS Near-IR High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Multiple Jets around LkHα 234 |
2016ApJ...817..148O |
34 |
Karouzos, Marios; Woo, Jong-... |
Unravelling the complex structure of AGN-driven outflows: I. Kinematics and sizes |
2016ApJ...819..148K |
Gemini |
GN-2015A-Q-204 (Gemini_KR-2015A-018) |
33 |
Gullikson, Kevin; Kraus,... |
Direct Spectral Detection: An Efficient Method to Detect and Characterize Binary Systems |
2016AJ....151....3G |
32 |
Kim, Yongjung; Im, Myungshin... |
Discovery of a Faint Quasar at z ∼ 6 and Implications for Cosmic Reionization |
2015ApJ...813L..35K |
Gemini |
GS-2015A-Q-201 (Gemini_KR-2015A-032) |
31 |
Lee, Jeong-Eun; Park,... |
High Resolution Optical and NIR Spectra of HBC 722 |
2015ApJ...807...84L |
30 |
Lee, Myung Gyoon; Sohn, Jubee... |
Optical Spectroscopy of Supernova Remnants in M81 and M82 |
2015ApJ...804...63L |
14-MMT-004 |
29 |
Lee, Jae-Joon; Koo, Bon-Chul... |
UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for Fe+ |
2014MNRAS.443.2650L |
Phase 1 |
28 |
Shinn, Jong-Ho; Kim, Kee-Tae... |
[Fe II] 1.64 μm Imaging Observations of the Outflow Features around Ultracompact H II Regions in the First Galactic Quadrant |
2014ApJS..214...11S |
Phase 1 |
27 |
Shinn, Jong-Ho; Pyo, Tae-Soo... |
[Fe II] 1.64 μm Features of Jets and Outflows from Young Stellar Objects in the Carina Nebula |
2013ApJ...777...45S |
Phase 1 |
26 |
Lee, S. H.; Kang, Y.-W.; Ann... |
Deep and wide photometry of two open clusters NGC 1245 and NGC 2506: dynamical evolution and halo |
2013MNRAS.432.1672L |
Phase1 |
25 |
Lee, S. H.; Kang, Y.-W.; Ann... |
Deep and wide photometry of the two open clusters NGC 1245 and NGC 2506: CCD observation and physical properties |
2012MNRAS.425.1567L |
Phase1 |
24 |
Hwang, Narae; Lee, Myung... |
Extended Star Clusters in the Remote Halo of the Intriguing Dwarf Galaxy NGC 6822 |
2011ApJ...738...58H |
Phase1 |
23 |
Kim, E.; Kim, M.; Hwang, N... |
A wide-field survey of satellite galaxies around the spiral galaxy M106 |
2011MNRAS.412.1881K |
Phase1 |
22 |
Chun, S.-H.; Kim, J.-W.; Shin... |
Near-infrared properties of metal-poor globular clusters in the Galactic bulge direction |
2010A&A...518A..15C |
Phase1 |
21 |
Chun, Sang-Hyun; Kim, Jae-Woo... |
A Wide-Field Photometric Survey for Extratidal Tails Around Five Metal-Poor Globular Clusters in the Galactic Halo |
2010AJ....139..606C |
Phase1 |
20 |
Son, Dong-Hoon; Hyung, Siek;... |
Streaming Circumnuclear Gas of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 5728 |
2009JKAS...42..125S |
Phase1 |
19 |
Son, D.-H.; Hyung, S.;... |
The kinematics of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC5728 circumnuclear region |
2009MNRAS.395..692S |
Phase1 |
18 |
Gu, M. F.; Pak, S.; Ho, L. C. |
Estimating black hole masses in young radio sources using CFHT spectroscopy |
2009AN....330..253G |
Phase1 |
17 |
Lee, Myung Gyoon; Hwang, Ho... |
The Globular Cluster System of M60 (NGC 4649). I. Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope MOS Spectroscopy and Database |
2008ApJ...674..857L |
Phase1 |
16 |
Hwang, Ho Seong; Lee, Myung... |
The Globular Cluster System of M60 (NGC 4649). II. Kinematics of the Globular Cluster System |
2008ApJ...674..869H |
Phase1 |
15 |
Sung, Hwankyung; Bessell,... |
The Initial Mass Function and Young Brown Dwarf Candidates in NGC 2264. III. Photometric Data |
2008AJ....135..441S |
Phase1 |
14 |
Shim, Hyunjin; Im, Myungshin... |
Massive Lyman Break Galaxies at z ~ 3 in the Spitzer Extragalactic First Look Survey |
2007ApJ...669..749S |
Phase1 |
13 |
Hwang, Narae; Lee, Myung... |
An Optical Source Catalog of the North Ecliptic Pole Region |
2007ApJS..172..583H |
Phase1 |
12 |
Kim, J.-W.; Kang, A.; Rhee, J... |
Deep near-IR photometry of eight metal-poor globular clusters in the Galactic bulge and halo |
2006A&A...459..499K |
Phase1 |
11 |
Kang, A.; Sohn, Y.-J.; Kim, H... |
The evolved asymptotic giant branch stars in the central bar of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822 |
2006A&A...454..717K |
Phase1 |
10 |
Shim, Hyunjin; Im, Myungshin... |
Deep u*- and g-Band Imaging of the Spitzer Space Telescope First Look Survey Field: Observations and Source Catalogs |
2006ApJS..164..435S |
Phase1 |
9 |
Sohn, Y.-J.; Kang, A.; Rhee,... |
Near-IR photometry of asymptotic giant branch stars in the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 147 |
2006A&A...445...69S |
Phase1 |
8 |
Lee, Hee-Won; Jung, Yang-... |
Raman-scattered He II λλ4850, 6545 in the Young and Compact Planetary Nebula IC 5117 |
2006ApJ...636.1045L |
Phase1 |
7 |
Galazutdinov, G. A.; Han,... |
Profiles of Very Weak Diffuse Interstellar Bands around 6440 Å |
2005ApJ...629..299G |
Phase1 |
6 |
Kang, A.; Sohn, Y.-J.; Rhee... |
Near-IR photometry of asymptotic giant branch stars in the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 185 |
2005A&A...437...61K |
Phase1 |
5 |
Sung, Hwankyung; Bessell,... |
The Initial Mass Function and Young Brown Dwarf Candidates in NGC 2264. I. The Initial Mass Function around S Monocerotis |
2004AJ....128.1684S |
Phase1 |
4 |
Lee, Hee-Won; Sohn, Young-... |
Raman-scattered He II λ6545 Line in the Symbiotic Star V1016 Cygni |
2003ApJ...598..553L |
Phase1 |
3 |
Sohn, Young-Jong; Park, Jang-... |
Wide-Field Stellar Distributions around the Remote Young Galactic Globular Clusters Palomar 3 and Palomar 4 |
2003AJ....126..803S |
Phase1 |
2 |
Lee, Myung Gyoon; Park, Hong... |
Deep Wide-Field BVI CCD Photometry of the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy |
2003AJ....126.2840L |
Phase1 |
1 |