IGRINS - Call for Proposals for DCT 2016Q4
IGRINS (Immersion GRating Infrared Spectrograph) is a high-resolution (R ~ 45,000), near-infrared (H and K simultaneously) spectrograph developed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. From September 2016, IGRINS will be visiting Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT), operated by Lowell Observatory, for about 6 months. After planned commissioning in September, normal observations will begin in October and we anticipate that IGRINS will return to McDonald around March 2017. Here we solicit observing proposals for IGRINS during its visit to DCT.
Some important information is as follows:
- Telescope/Instrument : DCT 4.3m / IGRINS
- Program types:
* Short Program: total request time less than a night (see Queue request)
* Strategic Program: total request time longer than a night.
* including Multi-year or Long (>3 nights) Program
- Deadlines:
* Queue request : Queue requests are welcome at any time (but see the request form page for more details)
* Strategic Program : 9th September.
* Letter of Intent (LOI) for Multi-year or Long (>3 nights) Programs: 18th August.
- Period of Observations : Oct 2016 - Feb 2017
- Author Policy
* Principal investigator of a proposed program must be a Korean citizen or a resident in Korea who is officially affiliated with a Korean research institute or university.
* IGRINS is a PI instrument. A member or members of the IGRINS team must be on each proposal.
For more details, please visit IGRINS Call for Proposal web page: http://kgmt.kasi.re.kr/kgmtscience/content/igrinsy2016
Jae-Joon Lee
on behalf of K-GMT Science Group