K-GMT Science Program User Survey (2018)
Period : Feb. 8~22, 2018
Responses : 58 out of 105 (response rate : 55.2%)
Where did you get information on the K-GMT Science Program from?
Where did you get information on the preparation of proposals and observations from?
As a user of the K-GMT Science Program, what do you think is necessary for successful research?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the K-GMT Science Program?
What fields of researches are you doing with the K-GMT Science Program?
How much observing time have you been allocated through the K-GMT Science Program?
What fraction of your observing time was successful?
What is your experience on large telescopes other than through the K-GMT Science Program?
Do you have any students actively participateing in the research with the data obtained from the K-GMT Science Program?
Are you making use of the data from the K-GMT Science Program for students' thesis?