IGRINS - Call for Proposals for 2017 Trimester 3 (early Aug. only)
IGRINS (Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph) is a high-resolution (R ~ 45,000), near-infrared (H and K simultaneously) spectrograph developed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. Here we announce an open call for proposals for the 2017 Trimester 3 during which IGRINS will be operated at the 2.7-m telescope of the McDonald observatory. Note that IGRIINS at McDonald will only be available until Aug 16, after which IGRINS will move to the Discovery Channel Telescope. And no Korean Guaranteed time is offered. If you have any other inquiry, please feel free to contact us at kgmtscience@kasi.re.kr anytime.
- Telescope/Instrument : McDonald 2.7m / IGRINS
- Deadlines
- McDonald Open Time Program : 8am on May. 31st 2017 (CST)
- Period of Observations
- Open time : August 01, 2017 ~ August 16, 2017 (only for IGRINS)
- Author Policy
- Principal Investigator of a proposed program must be a Korean citizen or a resident in Korea who is officially affiliated with a Korean research institute or university.
- IGRINS is a PI instrument. A member or members of the IGRINS science team must be on each proposal who will be able to check the technical feasibility of the proposal (see the publication policy document for details). For now, the eligible Korean IGRINS science team members are : Drs. Jae-Joon Lee, Heeyoung Oh, & Chan Park
- Publication Policy → Download - Please check the McDonald Call for Proposals for the details.
- http://kgmt.kasi.re.kr/kgmtscience/content/call-mcdonald-open-time-observing-proposals-2017t3
- IGRINS Newsletter : For the current status of IGRINS, please see the IGRINS Newsletter available at https://wikis.utexas.edu/display/IGRINS/IGRINS+Newsletters
- Current newsletter : http://kgmt.kasi.re.kr/kgmtscience/sites/default/files/IGRINS_Newsletter_2017T1.pdf
- A separate call for Proposal for the DCT/IGRINS observations will be issued later
- For further inquiries, please contact Korean IGRINS team by emailing kgmtprop@kasi.re.kr