IGRINS - Call for Queue Request for DCT (Nov 2017 ~ Jan 2018)
IGRINS (Immersion GRating Infrared Spectrograph) is a high-resolution (R ~ 45,000), near-infrared (H and K simultaneously) spectrograph developed by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. From September 2017, IGRINS will be visiting Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT), operated by Lowell Observatory, for about 5 months (until Jan 2018). During this visit, we anticipate ~15 queue nights for UT and Korean astronomers before before the end of January 2018 when IGRINS leaves the DCT. Science requests by Korean astronomers are welcome.
For this year, we only solicit queue request. If you want to propose a program larger than one night that does not fit in the queue, please contact the IGRINS team at KASI for discussion.
Queue observations
During the 2017Q4/2018Q1 visit, a total of about 15 nights will be available to queue observations, which will be shared among UT and Korean community.
Please use the form below to request queue observations
Queue observations will be carried out during the KASI/UT IGRINS blocks in Nov, Dec and Jan.
- Scheduled Queue Blocks
- Nov. 3 - 7
- Nov. 25 - 28
- Dec. 1 -6
- Dec. 24 - 27
- January schedule to be announced later
- Deadline
- You may submit your request anytime as far as your targets can be observed in the future queue blocks.
Observers : IGRINS team will carry out the queue observations and the data will be distributed afterwards.
Author Policy
Principal Investigator of a proposed program must be a Korean citizen or a resident in Korea who is officially affiliated with a Korean research institute or university.
It is required that you have an IGRINS science team member as a collaborator of the project.
Please consule the IGRINS Publication Policy for more details (https://wikis.utexas.edu/display/IGRINS/IGRINS+Home?preview=/84673438/155358865/IGRINS_Publication_Policy.pdf)
IGRINS Newsletter : For the current status of IGRINS, please see the IGRINS Newsletter available at https://wikis.utexas.edu/display/IGRINS/IGRINS+Newsletters
For further inquiry, please contact Korean IGRINS team by e-mail to “kgmtprop@kasi.re.kr”