There was a error in observing period of MMT. It should be from Aug. to Dec.

KGMT SP Call for Proposals / 2015B

K-GMT Science Group (KGSG) invites proposals for observations with MMT and Gemini, as the cycle 2B of the K-GMT Science Program. The number of nights available are as follows:

Table 1 - Available telescope time for cycle 2B (2015B term)

Telescope Available # of nights
MMT 2 - 4 nights
Gemini ~10 nights
  • Observing period
    • MMT : 2015B (Aug. to Dec.)
    • Gemini : 2015B (Aug. to Jan.)
  • There is no limit on the fields of science that prospect proposals shall aim to address. However, preference will be given to proposals with sciences that can be applicable to GMT in the near future.
  • The prospect proposers are advised to understand and follow the K-GMT Science Program guidelines. In particular, please be aware of the data handling & authorship policy.

Table 2 - Schedule and Deadlines for the cycle 2A.

Event Date
CfP Release March 05, 2015
MMT Proposal Deadline 11:59 p.m. KST, March 29th, 2015
Gemini Deadline 11:59 p.m. KST, April 5th, 2015
Peer Review Apr. 2015
Selected Proposals Announced May. 2015 (subject to change without prior notice)

* Late Proposals will not be considered. We recommend submission well before the deadline.

Please refer to CfP page for individual telescopes for more details.